Friday, 21 November 2008

Exploring Education and Curriculum Further

Based of Education
Today we discuss about didactic, authentic/progressive, and transformative teaching. The first discussion is talking about didactic teaching is like a classical class, conventional method, the teacher asks question and the student must answer. We answer it based on story of classroom. In this case, the role of the teacher is as guider and becomes the center of the classroom (teacher-centered) because she decided what the question are. The learners become object, they must be triggered to do something through a question. Unfortunately, it exists not only in primary schools but also in secondary even in higher education. Its look like just transfer knowledge.
From the second story, we know about authentic/progressive teaching. In this teaching , the situation of learning is more joyful, play, and fun, interactive within students and teacher is exist. Teacher is as a facilitator, she must organize and have wide experience. The class builds cooperation and communication not only inside the class but also outside in order to build creativity (montessory).
The third is transformative teaching. The teacher and students have the same object. Method is run by problem solving in peer assistance. Students as real learners and choose or arrange research. The teacher as a facilitator and designer.

Exploring notions of curriculum in higher education
Principles might be as good practice in undergraduate education has stated in Dr. Lesleys paper. We add some others as follows :
- nurture the learning of the undergraduate
- communicate regulation and expectations
- encourage a constructive approach
- encourage a peer assessment
- acknowledge to the reality

Who are the stakeholders of curriculum?
Government (Ministry of Education)
Lobby group
Textbook Writer
Education decision maker

(Day 4 – Nov 13, 3008/Thursday)
Lecturer : Dr. Lesley Harbon

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